The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time Book 2) by Robert Jordan

The Great Hunt

Author: Robert Jordan

Series*: Wheel of Time

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Format: Digital via Kindle

Publish Date: January 1990

Read: February 2024

Favorite Quote: There is an old saying here in the Borderlands: ‘Better to have one woman on your side than ten men.’

Story Synopsis: After the dramatic events from The Eye of the World, the group from Fal Dara searches for the Horn of Valere, which the Dragon Reborn needs in the Last Battle with the Dark One.

Egwene and Nynaeve are at Tar Valon studying to be Aes Sedai and meet Elayne, the Daughter-Heir of Andor. When Rand and Loial get separated from the Fal Daran soldiers, they encounter a few otherworldly situations. Travelling with Verin Sedai, this group eventually makes it west to Falme for a massive battle, important decisions, and unexpected discoveries.

Why does this book beguile? Writing reviews of sequels gets harder the more the series goes on, but not Wheel of Time. Robert Jordan puts in loads of detail - seriously, a lot of detail - and follows the stories of 3-4 characters per book. What I found most interesting was how little Moraine Sedai was in The Great Hunt, considering how much she is in the show.

As for screen adaptations, the concepts and big milestones are still very much in the show, but there are definite diversions. The locations of scenes differ a bit, and some characters are combined (probably for easier casting and ease), but the premise stays true to the books. So far. There is one curious change that I look forward to reading about with at least one character. Looking forward to Book 3!

Rating: 5/5

Link*: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan

If you’re interested in this, read*: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien